08.01 09:05
100 Min
Baron élete szerelmével bankot rabol, hogy finanszírozzák anyja ápolását, ám rács mögé kerül, ahonnan szabadulóművész cellatársával próbál szökni. (HBO2)
08.01 09:05
100 Min
Angol Krimi (2024.), 100perc (HBO2)
08.01 09:06
101 Min
Baron, care a fost arestat de curand, se imprieteneste cu colegul lui de celula, Otis. - Sursa: media-press.tv (HBO 2)
08.01 09:06
101 Min
Baron, care a fost arestat de curand, se imprieteneste cu colegul lui de celula, Otis. - Sursa: media-press.tv ()
08.01 15:55
100 Min
Follows a man in jail who narrates the colorful tale of a romantic bank heist to his cunning cellmate to escape and reunite with the alluring love of his life. (HBO HD)
08.01 15:57
99 Min
Follows a man in jail who narrates the colorful tale of a romantic bank heist to his cunning cellmate to escape and reunite with the alluring love of his life. (HBO HD)