17.02 13:05
55 Min
Air Crash Investigation
An Amazon cargo plane nosedives into a swamp outside Houston, the evidence eventually leads investigators to a pilot with a long history of failures. (Nat Geographic HD)
17.02 14:25
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ7 Ε5
DIS0019111084,2701694290,4 (National Geographic HD)
17.02 14:25
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 7
Operation Babylift ()
17.02 15:15
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ7 Ε6
DIS0019111088,2701694290,5 (National Geographic HD)
17.02 15:15
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 7
Ditch The Plane ()
17.02 20:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
En route from Amsterdam to Cardiff the crew of KLM Cityhopper Flight 433 report an engine problem and head back to the airport. But just as they're about to touch down, the aircraft crashes. (Nat Geographic HD)
17.02 20:30
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
Icy Descent S19 E06. Vlucht 5428 stort op weg naar Comodora neer in de woestijn. Alle inzittenden komen om. De Argentijnse onderzoekers vinden niets bijzonders, tot ze op een microscopische draad stuiten. (NGC HD)
17.02 22:00
55 Min
Air Crash Investigation
China Eastern Airlines 583 is on an overnight flight when it dives and climbs so severely that two passengers are killed and 150 are injured. (Nat Geographic HD)
17.02 23:00
65 Min
Ερευνητές Αεροπορικών Δυστυχημάτων Κ3 Ε5
DIS0019210212,7357645,4 (Viasat Explore HD)
17.02 23:00
65 Min
Air Crash Investigation
When a military radar operator mistakenly identifies an approaching civilian aircraft as a hostile F-14 during a sea battle, the plane is shot down and all 290 people on board are killed. (Viasat Explore HD)
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