28.09 15:00
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
Thousands gather to watch two apartment blocks in Liverpool get blown to the ground, but one tower refuses to fall. In Oklahoma, a mining town is made uninhabitable by a string of engineering errors. (Nat Geographic HD)
28.09 21:00
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes 4
Science documentary - Ep. 1 ()
28.09 21:00
60 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ4 Ε1
DIS0018020005,6885915,0 (Viasat Explore HD)
28.09 21:00
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
Catastrophe strikes in California as one of America's most vital intersections is brought down in an inferno, and why did a routine demolition in the Australian capital of Canberra turn to tragedy? (Viasat Explore HD)
28.09 22:00
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
There's a miraculous escape in Arizona as a railroad inferno takes down a vital river crossing, and a trailblazing concert hall cooks up a storm in downtown LA in California. (Viasat Explore HD)
28.09 22:00
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes 4
Science documentary - Ep. 2 ()
28.09 22:00
55 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ4 Ε2
DIS0018020009,6885915,1 (Viasat Explore HD)
28.09 22:55
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
Tragedy strikes in Sweden as a landmark bridge is destroyed in seconds, a New Jersey casino has a massive construction disaster, and a catastrophic dam failure rips through a community in California. (Viasat Explore HD)
28.09 22:55
60 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ4 Ε3
DIS0018020013,6885915,2 (Viasat Explore HD)
28.09 22:55
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes 4
Science documentary - Ep. 3 ()
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