04.03 15:10
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
A shocking sinkhole in Kentucky buries iconic Corvettes in the dirt, and catastrophe strikes mid-construction on a massive Melbourne bridge in Australia. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 15:10
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes 3
Science documentary - Ep. 2 ()
04.03 15:10
55 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ3 Ε2
DIS0019477411,6792215,1 (Viasat Explore HD)
05.03 07:25
60 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ3 Ε2
DIS0019477412,6792215,1 (Viasat Explore HD)
05.03 07:30
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
A shocking sinkhole in Kentucky buries iconic Corvettes in the dirt, and catastrophe strikes mid-construction on a massive Melbourne bridge in Australia. (Viasat Explore HD)
05.03 15:10
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
An explosive derailment nearly takes out a town in North Dakota, a routine bridge renovation goes badly wrong in Canada, and what caused a unique harbour bridge in Taiwan to fail in seconds? (Viasat Explore HD)
05.03 15:10
60 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019477511,6792215,2 (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 07:30
55 Min
Τα Μεγάλα Λάθη της Μηχανικής Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019477513,6792215,2 (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 07:30
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes 3
Science documentary - Ep. 3 ()
06.03 15:10
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes 3
Science documentary - Ep. 4 ()
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