01.02 21:18
118 Min
Nanny McPhee - Tata Matilda
(Italia1 HD)
02.02 12:00
105 Min
Story of a wonderful little girl, who happens to be a genius, and her wonderful teacher vs. the worst parents ever (Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman) and the worst school principal imaginable. (1996) (STAR Life HD)
02.02 12:00
105 Min
Story of a wonderful little girl, who happens to be a genius, and her wonderful teacher vs. the worst parents ever (Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman) and the worst school principal imaginable. (1996) (STAR Life HD)
02.02 12:00
110 Min
Matilda, film
Matilda (1996) Komedija/Obiteljski/SF (STAR Life.)
02.02 12:00
105 Min
Mrzovoljni par ima slatku ćerku Matildu. Za razliku od svog razmaženog brata i zlobnih roditelja, Matilda postaje veoma inteligentna šestogodišnjakinja koja jedva čeka da krene u školu i čita knjige. (Star Life HD)
02.02 12:05
105 Min
Story of a wonderful little girl, who happens to be a genius, and her wonderful teacher vs. the worst parents ever (Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman) and the worst school principal imaginable. (1996) (STAR Life HD)
02.02 12:05
105 Min
Mrzovoljni par ima slatku ćerku Matildu. Za razliku od svog razmaženog brata i zlobnih roditelja, Matilda postaje veoma inteligentna šestogodišnjakinja koja jedva čeka da krene u školu i čita knjige. (Star Life HD)
02.02 12:05
105 Min
Story of a wonderful little girl, who happens to be a genius, and her wonderful teacher vs. the worst parents ever (Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman) and the worst school principal imaginable. (1996) (STAR Life HD)
02.02 12:05
105 Min
Komedi (STAR Life)
02.02 13:00
15 Min
Matilda i Ramsayjevi, Kornvalsko natjecanje
Kulinarski (Da Vinci Learning.)