14.03 10:39
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit Madagascar. Dayo is looking for a blue seashell. Numsa tells him she dreamt she found one under a tamarisk tree! (Baby TV)
14.03 13:40
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit a little village in Yemen! Watch Nura complain about Halil's pea soup! Add lots of pepper to it and see what happens when Nura tastes the spicy soup! (Baby TV)
14.03 16:40
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit a little village in Yemen! Watch Nura complain about Halil's pea soup! Add lots of pepper to it and see what happens when Nura tastes the spicy soup! (Baby TV)
14.03 17:37
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit Hungary. King Franz loves the Danube River! One morning, the river turns muddy brown! See the musicians play music that turn the water into clear blue! (Baby TV)
15.03 06:05
5 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit Brazil. Shusha eats, talks and walks very fast! Join Shusha as she moves fast and dances Samba on the beach to the beat of the amazing drum! (Baby TV)
15.03 10:18
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit a village in France! Watch the town bakers stretch dough for the hungry princess till it becomes a French baguette that the princess loves! Bon Appetit! (Baby TV)
15.03 13:17
7 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit Turkey. Apican is always late serving apple tea to the market merchants! Find out how Apican's sister gets her brother to serve the tasty tea on time! (Baby TV)
15.03 16:20
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit Morocco. Beba picks mint leaves for the King's tea! One day, the birds pick the leaves! Join Beba and the butler as they dance till the mint bush grows! (Baby TV)
15.03 17:12
7 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit El Salvador. King Hernandez is always worried and can't sleep! Join the King as he discovers the gardener's hammock! (Baby TV)
16.03 06:05
6 Min
Mini Matinee
Анимация, Великобритания, 2019, Join the loveable animal friends as they visit Persia. It's Surp's birthday! Grandma Leila is weaving her grandson a carpet, but it's getting late! (Baby TV)