04.12 21:02
62 Min
Maya and Yaya
21:02 Maya and Yaya 21:06 Draco 21:09 Let's Dance... (Baby TV.)
04.12 21:02
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya have an amazing time trying to figure out how to blow up balloons. (Baby TV)
05.12 05:43
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Yaya is bouncing a ball and Maya is jumping rope. Maya sneezes and Yaya takes good care of her, bringing her a scarf, hot tea, a blanket and soup. (Baby TV)
05.12 08:19
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Yaya and Maya are having a wonderful time playing drums using tree trunks. Momo hears the beautiful music from afar and wants to play as well, but doesn't have a drum. (Baby TV)
05.12 19:49
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya have a wonderful time playing with a ball until it gets stuck in a banana tree. Join the two cute elephants as they try to figure out how to get it down. (Baby TV)
05.12 20:00
63 Min
Maya and Yaya
20:00 Maya and Yaya 20:04 Songs & Rhymes 20:06... (Baby TV.)
05.12 20:00
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya bake a delicious cake in honour of their friend Momo's upcoming visit. (Baby TV)
05.12 20:58
5 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya is jumping rope and Yaya is bouncing a ball. Yaya wants to jump rope as well but is having a hard time and falls down. (Baby TV)
06.12 05:42
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Yaya is building a tower of blocks. Maya wants to jump, do a cartwheel and play ball. The ball ruins the tower, even though Maya didn't mean it. (Baby TV)
06.12 08:17
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya want to fly like a bird! Join the two cute elephants as they try to fly like a helicopter and jump off rocks but can't seem to fly! What can they do? Come along and see how they learn. (Baby TV)
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