12.03 21:00
60 Min
Medium: odc.16
(SciFi HD)
12.03 21:00
60 Min
Suburban mom Alison Dubois attempts to balance family life with solving mysteries using her special gift. The dead send her visions of their deaths or other crimes while she sleeps. (SciFi HD)
12.03 21:00
60 Min
Suburban mom Alison Dubois attempts to balance family life with solving mysteries using her special gift. The dead send her visions of their deaths or other crimes while she sleeps. (SCI FI HD)
12.03 23:00
30 Min
Long Island Medium
Psychic mum Theresa receives a visit from her daughter Victoria, who has some news. Plus, Theresa connects a young boy with his sister who passed away. (TLC HD)
12.03 23:00
30 Min
Médium z Long Islandu (1)
Stýská se mi po princezně (TLC)
12.03 23:00
30 Min
Médium z Long Islandu IV (1)
(Stýská se mi po princezně), Theresina dcera Victoria se staví na krátkou návštěvu doma z univerzity. Kvůli divokému ... (TLC)
12.03 23:20
55 Min
A médium
(am. krimisorozat 11. rész, 2006) - A koronatanú fsz.: Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz (Jocky TV)
12.03 23:25
50 Min
Médium IV (4)
(Nova Gold)
12.03 23:25
50 Min
Allison Duboisová (Patricia Arquette) má schopnost vidět do budoucnosti a komunikovat s mrtvými. Její sny jí dávají vodítka, kde jsou ztracené osoby, a dotykem vidí lidem do duší. ()
12.03 23:30
30 Min
Long Island Medium
Theresa has always struggled with her weight, and with the help of her husband Larry, she finally decides to take steps to lose a few pounds. (TLC HD)