03.03 19:00
30 Min
Memory of China
This is the first history program of China, this program unveils secrets of important historical events, mega projects and the untold stories behind those crucial decisions of this country. (CGTN HD)
04.03 00:00
30 Min
Memory of China
This is the first history program of China, this program unveils secrets of important historical events, mega projects and the untold stories behind those crucial decisions of this country. (CGTN HD)
04.03 19:00
30 Min
Memory of China
This is the first history program of China, this program unveils secrets of important historical events, mega projects and the untold stories behind those crucial decisions of this country. (CGTN HD)
04.03 23:30
30 Min
Memory of China
This is the first history program of China, this program unveils secrets of important historical events, mega projects and the untold stories behind those crucial decisions of this country. (CGTN HD)
05.03 03:00
30 Min
Memory of China
This is the first history program of China, this program unveils secrets of important historical events, mega projects and the untold stories behind those crucial decisions of this country. (CGTN HD)
05.03 08:00
30 Min
Memory of China
This is the first history program of China, this program unveils secrets of important historical events, mega projects and the untold stories behind those crucial decisions of this country. (CGTN HD)
07.03 08:30
55 Min
Memory of a Concert
Музика, Германия, 2006, In 2006, Gidon Kremer and Martha Argerich set out on tour performing solos and duets by Bartók und Schumann. (Classica)
10.03 17:15
110 Min
Alex Lewis is een huurmoordenaar, hij is snel, stil, onopvallend en laat geen sporen van zichzelf achter. Maar door zijn dementie wordt het voor hem steeds moeilijker om zijn werk goed uit te voeren. (Film1 Action)