19.01 21:40
5 Min
Mirakulus: Avanture Bubamare.
Marinetine skrivene misli i tajni zapisi u dnevniku. (Disney)
19.01 21:40
5 Min
Miraculous Secrets
Marinette would love to tell Adrien how she feels. But every time she tries to talk to him, it's a total disaster: she trips over her words and ends up making a fool of herself! ()
19.01 21:45
5 Min
Mirakulus: Avanture Bubamare.
Marinetine skrivene misli i tajni zapisi u dnevniku. (Disney)
19.01 21:45
5 Min
Miraculous Secrets
Marinette and Alya are best friends. BFFS, to be more specific! They are always there for each other and share everything... well, almost everything. ()