03.02 09:15
65 Min
Mitovi: velike misterije.
Megaliti, spomenici od kamena stari hiljadama godina, rasuti su svuda po Evropi. Njihovi tvorci su nepoznati i do današnjeg dana se ne zna kako i zbog čega su napravljeni. (Viasat History)
03.02 09:15
65 Min
Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity
Millennia-old stone monuments - the so-called megaliths - are scattered across Europe; they come with no written sources and how and why these structures were built remains a mystery to this day. (Viasat History HD)
03.02 13:55
45 Min
Neobjašnjeno: misterije svemira
Pridružite se kanadskom glumcu Williamu Shatneru u istraživanju misterioznih svemirskih bespuća, fenomena i teorija. (History HD)
03.02 14:00
30 Min
Misterije civilizacija.
Domaćin emisije je dr. Semir Osmanagić, koji će sa gostima pričati o nekim od najvećih misterija iz prošlosti Zemlje. (Face TV)
03.02 16:35
75 Min
Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity
Millennia-old stone monuments - the so-called megaliths - are scattered across Europe; they come with no written sources and how and why these structures were built remains a mystery to this day. (Viasat History HD)
03.02 22:12
4 Min
(TV Belle Amie)
04.02 01:00
120 Min
Misterije agencije za.
Endži je uspešni provodadžija, pokušavajući da dokaže nevinost svog klijenta nakon što je njegov verenik pronađen ubijen i on je glavni osumnjičeni. (DIVA)
04.02 01:00
120 Min
A Killer Engagement: Matchmaker Mysteries
After a woman is murdered, her fiance becomes the prime suspect; successful matchmaker Angie works to prove her client is innocent, much to the dismay of the detective working the case. (Diva)
04.02 09:20
65 Min
Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity
El Dorado is the city of gold; evidence of it can be found all over South America from Peru to Guyana and Colombia, but only one of these leads traces back to the origins of the legend. (Viasat History HD)
04.02 09:20
65 Min
Mitovi: velike misterije.
El Dorado je grad zlata. Dokazi toga nalaze se po celoj Južnoj Americi, od Perua, preko Gvajane do Kolumbije. Ali samo jedna zemlja vodi nas do samog porekla ove legende. (Viasat History)