27.12 20:00
85 Min
Mjesto tišine
Obitelj je prisiljena živjeti u tišini kako bi izbjegla tajanstvena bića koja love s pomoću zvuka. (HBO HD)
27.12 20:00
85 Min
A Quiet Place
The last remains of civilization are being stalked by aliens who can't see but can hear even the slightest whimper. (HBO HD)
27.12 21:25
95 Min
Mjesto tišine 2
Nakon smrtonosnih događaja kod kuće, obitelj Abbott (Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe) sada se mora... (HBO HD)
27.12 21:25
95 Min
A Quiet Place Part II
In a post-apocalyptic world, Regan and her family learn that the alien predators can be defeated using high-frequency audio. Soon, they set out to look for other survivors. (HBO HD)