17.03 07:35
25 Min
Modern Family Κ9 Ε5
DIS0019425317,5023033488,4 (FX Life )
17.03 07:35
25 Min
Modern Family 9
Comedy Series - Ep. 5 ()
17.03 08:00
20 Min
Modern Family Κ9 Ε6
DIS0019425326,5023033488,5 (FX Life )
17.03 08:00
20 Min
Modern Family 9
Comedy Series - Ep. 6 ()
17.03 08:05
25 Min
Modern Family
As the family prepares for Alex's middle-school graduation, Jay tries to hide a cosmetic-procedure mishap, Cameron is upset about Mitchell laughing at his expense, and Phil antagonizes Claire. (Star Channel HD)
17.03 08:05
25 Min
Modern Family
As the family prepares for Alex's middle-school graduation, Jay tries to hide a cosmetic-procedure mishap, Cameron is upset about Mitchell laughing at his expense, and Phil antagonizes Claire. (STAR HD)
17.03 08:30
25 Min
Modern Family
It's time to part ways with the Dunphys, Pritchetts and Pritchett-Tuckers in this second season finale. Plans to celebrate Jay's birthday go awry... (STAR HD)
17.03 08:30
25 Min
Modern Family
It's time to part ways with the Dunphys, Pritchetts and Pritchett-Tuckers in this second season finale. Plans to celebrate Jay's birthday go awry... (Star Channel HD)
17.03 11:01
28 Min
Modern Family
Election Day S03 E19. De belangrijke verkiezingsdag is weer aangebroken en de hele familie voert campagne: Mitch en Cam rijden rond in een 'Stem op Claire'-auto en het huis van de Dunphy's wordt omgetoverd in campagnehoofdkantoor. (Comedy Central NL)
17.03 11:29
28 Min
Modern Family
The Last Walt S03 E20. Claire is er voor Luke als zijn vriend en hun oude buurjongen Walt overlijdt. Phil gaat met Alex op pad om hun band sterker te maken en Haley geeft stiekem een feest. (Comedy Central NL)