13.03 15:10
40 Min
Moderna obitelj
Claire se cijela predala organiziranju zabave povodom Noći vještica. Cijela se obitelj okuplja kod Dunphyjevih - Jay i Manny šale se na Clairein račun, a maškare bude neugodne uspomene Cameronu. (RTL2.)
13.03 23:30
30 Min
Moderna obitelj
Claire i Haley razbole se u isto vrijeme. Phil vodi borbu s neispravnim detektorom dima. Manny nehotično natjera Jaya da da otkaz jednom radniku. Cameron vodi Lily na audiciju za televizijsku reklamu. (RTL2.)
14.03 00:00
20 Min
Moderna obitelj
Proslava Mannyjeva rođendana pretvori se u jurnjavu Phila i Claire, a Cameronu donese priliku za sklapanje novih prijateljstava u šoping centru. (RTL2.)
14.03 04:45
25 Min
Modern Family
Phil's new real estate ad creates embarrassment for Claire and Haley, Cameron goes over the top while directing a school musical, and Jay's brother comes to town with some surprising news. (STAR HD)
14.03 04:45
25 Min
Modern Family
Phil's new real estate ad creates embarrassment for Claire and Haley, Cameron goes over the top while directing a school musical, and Jay's brother comes to town with some surprising news. (Star Channel HD)
14.03 05:10
25 Min
Modern Family
Mitchell and Cameron are looking to assign legal guardians for Lily in case anything were to happen to them and are secretly assessing their family members. But no one is blowing their socks off. (Star Channel HD)
14.03 05:10
25 Min
Modern Family
Mitchell and Cameron are looking to assign legal guardians for Lily in case anything were to happen to them and are secretly assessing their family members. But no one is blowing their socks off. (STAR HD)
14.03 08:05
25 Min
Modern Family
Cameron is upset that Mitchell thinks he's the "Mom" of the family, Claire and Gloria take the kids on a disastrous hike, and Phil witnesses Jay tearing up while they prepare Mother's Day dinner. (STAR HD)
14.03 08:05
25 Min
Modern Family
Cameron is upset that Mitchell thinks he's the "Mom" of the family, Claire and Gloria take the kids on a disastrous hike, and Phil witnesses Jay tearing up while they prepare Mother's Day dinner. (Star Channel HD)
14.03 08:30
25 Min
Modern Family
Comedy Series - Ep. 22. Phil and Claire swap parenting roles for the day - Claire will be the fun loving good cop and Phil the disciplinarian bad cop - and it's literally a shock to each kid's system. (STAR HD)