09.09 01:23
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
When we meet somebody everywhere we go, we say hello. Ciao, Konnichi wa, Marhaba - "Hello" has different names - in Italian, Japanese or Arabic. (Baby TV)
09.09 02:03
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Come ride through the town with your favorite BabyTV characters - Baby Butterfly, Elephant, Giraffe, Sheep, Rabit and Squirrel. Riding a bus has never been more fun! (Baby TV)
09.09 02:17
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Baby Butterfly tucks everyone in bed sending them off to a peaceful sleep - Elephant, Draco, Ollie, Charlie and Lola. Good night everyone. (Baby TV)
09.09 02:31
3 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Everyone shares in the fun when singing Ten Green Bottles. (Baby TV)
09.09 03:02
60 Min
Songs & Rhymes
04:02 Songs & Rhymes 04:03 Time for bed 04:07... (Baby TV.)
09.09 03:02
1 Min
Songs & Rhymes
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider is trying to climb the waterspout, but with no luck. The rain keeps washing it out. Perhaps the sun can help the poor little spider? (Baby TV)
09.09 03:34
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
When we meet somebody everywhere we go, we say hello. Hallo, namaste, annyeonghaseyo - "Hello" has different names - in German, Hindi or Korean. (Baby TV)
09.09 03:36
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
All My Friends is a fun and cheerful children's rhyme with Lola, Charlie, Henry, Oliver, and Draco signing happily together about friends. (Baby TV)
09.09 03:38
3 Min
Songs & Rhymes
After a fun filled day of playing outdoors it's always nice to snuggle up in bed with a comfy blanket and pillow. (Baby TV)
09.09 03:41
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Little Lola and Charlie have fun with the animals on the farm. Join them in this classic rendition of Old McDonald. Don't forget to "moo moo" and oink oink""! (Baby TV)
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