13.06 04:05
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When Murdoch investigates a murder near a graveyard, witness accounts suggest that the killer was a bloody female apparition. (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 04:15
55 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 17
Spirits in the Night (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 04:50
65 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Dr Ogden's dream of a women's hospital is realised - and shattered when she's forced to enact a quarantine after it opens. (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 05:10
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 12
The Spy Who Loved Murdoch (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 05:55
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When Murdoch impersonates a dead diplomat to save a treaty, political and sexual intrigue complicate matters. (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 05:55
50 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 12
Sir. Sir? Sir!!! (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 06:40
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Murdoch investigates an astronomical phenomenon with a strange impact on his colleagues' behaviour and dire implications for Toronto. (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 06:45
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 12
Brother's Keeper (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 07:25
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When Watts kills a man in self-defence and Murdoch uncovers the victim's criminal past, questions surround Watts' story. (Epic Drama HD)
13.06 09:25
60 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Murdoch on the Corner S06 E03. After a series of seemingly random murders, Murdoch rigs a film camera with a timer on a downtown street corner in order to capture the killer. (BBC First )
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