01.03 08:00
60 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney is a 30 year old struggling with weight and living at home with her parents. However, she doesn't let her weight stop her from dancing. (TLC HD)
02.03 02:00
25 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney's ready to take her relationship with Lennie to the next level. After seeking advice from loved ones, she opts for cooking a romantic dinner for two. (TLC HD)
02.03 02:25
25 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
On top of struggling with new choreography, a sudden financial burden threatens Whitney's plans to perform at the National Dance Museum. (TLC HD)
02.03 02:50
25 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney realises that the weight she's gained is limiting her from becoming the dancer she once was. Plus, a game of truth or dare becomes twisted and scandalous. (TLC HD)
02.03 03:15
25 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
With her performance at the National Museum of Dance finally upon her, Whitney is still unsure of her routine. But will she wow the audience? (TLC HD)
02.03 03:40
25 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney babysits Tal's nephew, raising questions about her own fertility. Plus, Whitney has to choose which friend to take to the "Dancing Man" party. (TLC HD)
02.03 04:05
25 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney's boss asks her to fill in as the on-field entertainment at the Grasshoppers baseball game. Plus, Glenn learns the results from his diabetes bloodwork. (TLC HD)
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