07.07 01:00
50 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney and Chase are still living apart but must make wedding plans. During a mountain weekend getaway, will her new boundaries with Buddy be tested? (TLC HD)
07.07 01:50
50 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Buddy sets out to apologise to Whitney after his blow up. And, Whitney gets an unexpected surprise when she visits Chase in Wilmington. (TLC HD)
07.07 02:40
50 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Chase shocks Whitney. Plus, when Covid-19 hits too close to home after some scary news from Buddy, Whitney fears for the safety of her parents. (TLC HD)
08.07 06:30
30 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney and the cast reflect on the most outrageous moments of the season. Whitney admits her feelings to Roy. When host Shaun Robinson clashes with Buddy, sparks fly! (TLC HD)
08.07 15:00
30 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney's career hits an all-time high when she's invited to be a special guest at a giant Zumba-thon. But just when things are looking up, bad news strikes. (TLC HD)
08.07 15:30
30 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney and the cast reflect on the most outrageous moments of the season. Whitney admits her feelings to Roy. When host Shaun Robinson clashes with Buddy, sparks fly! (TLC HD)
17.07 22:00
60 Min
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Cameras follow dancer Whitney Thore as she rediscovers her love for dancing despite her size. (AFN|family)
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