06.03 18:10
25 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
(Ep 7:14/s15) Reality, USA, 2023. (Kanal 11 HD - Text)
06.03 18:35
25 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
(Ep 8:14/s15) Reality, USA, 2023. (Kanal 11 HD - Text)
07.03 01:00
30 Min
My Lottery Dream Home International
Charlotte and Moray recently inherited a hefty sum of money. Laurence helps them search for a vintage property with plenty of space for their antiques. (HGTV HD)
07.03 01:30
30 Min
My Lottery Dream Home International
After winning Ł50,000 on a TV quiz show, a young couple hunt for a home in Leigh-on-Sea. They want a character property with a garden and a kitchen island. (HGTV HD)
07.03 02:00
30 Min
My Lottery Dream Home International
A family from Lewes have recently inherited Ł350,000. Laurence helps them search for a stunning character property that's near the countryside. (HGTV HD)
07.03 07:55
25 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
(Ep 5:14/s13) Livsstilserie fra 2022. (FEM HD)
07.03 08:00
30 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
A family can finally buy their first home after a $4 million win! David finds them a property with all the little luxuries in Nashua, New Hampshire. (HGTV HD)
07.03 08:20
25 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
(Ep 6:14/s13) Livsstilserie fra 2022. (FEM HD)
07.03 08:30
30 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
David helps a $1 million jackpot winner search for a wintery mountain getaway on Moosehead Lake in Greenville, Maine. (HGTV HD)
07.03 09:00
30 Min
My Lottery Dream Home
A couple invests an inheritance in a beach house for the entire family. David helps them find something quirky in Carolina Beach, North Carolina. (HGTV HD)
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