12.03 22:00
15 Min
My Zen People
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2019, Ileana studied business and worked long hours indoors for a multinational logistics company. (MyZen)
12.03 22:00
15 Min
My Zen People
Ile (Argentina) S04 E02. ()
12.03 22:00
15 Min
My Zen - Άνθρωποι Κ4 Ε2
DIS0019485517,6756275,1 (MyZen TV)
12.03 22:15
15 Min
My Zen People
Agostina (Argentina) S04 E03. Today, we will meet Agostina, a woman who, when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, created clothes with bamboo fibers that would not irritate skin. ()
12.03 22:15
15 Min
My Zen People
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2020, Today, we will meet Agostina, a woman who, when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, created clothes with bamboo fibers that would not irritate skin. (MyZen)
12.03 22:15
15 Min
My Zen - Άνθρωποι Κ4 Ε3
DIS0019485518,6756275,2 (MyZen TV)
13.03 19:50
15 Min
My Zen People
Hansen S03 E08. After an injurey Hansen got, he was forced to quit his former life and discovered Yoga. Thanks to that, he has managed satrt a new life. ()
13.03 19:50
15 Min
My Zen People
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2019, A former model and Sports News anchor, Hansen has drifted away from the limelight to focus on a personal journey. (MyZen)
13.03 19:50
15 Min
My Zen - Άνθρωποι Κ3 Ε8
DIS0019485544,6743045,7 (MyZen TV)
14.03 16:05
15 Min
My Zen People
Lisa & Pete S03 E06. It happens quite often for people to wish for a more luxurious life. It is not so usual for people to wish for a simpler life, quiet, calm and maybe not as easy but way more gratifying. ()
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