03.03 20:30
55 Min
NCIS: Origins
Vivo o Muerto S01 E09. De zaak van een vermiste vrouw, die verdween na een nacht stappen met een marinier, brengt het team naar Mexico. Daar ontdekken ze dat er een mogelijke link is met Gibbs' verleden. (NET5 HD)
04.03 13:00
60 Min
NCIS: Origins
Flight of Icarus--The team investigates the death of a famed Marine commander's son, while a pivotal part of Franks' past involving his family is revealed. (AFN|prime Pacific)
04.03 17:30
30 Min
NCIS: Origins
The Emmy-winning quiz show features a unique answer-and-question format. (AFN|prime Atlantic)
04.03 20:10
50 Min
NCIS: Origins Κ1 Ε4
DIS0019482271,7327995,3 (COSMOTE Series HD)
05.03 11:00
50 Min
NCIS: Origins Κ1 Ε4
DIS0019482285,7327995,3 (COSMOTE Series HD)
11.03 14:00
60 Min
NCIS: Origins
Touchstones--When the evidence room is broken into and significant cash goes missing, the team looks into a connection to a recent case. Also, Lala opens up to Gibbs, and Kowalski struggles to move forward. (AFN|prime Pacific)
11.03 22:00
60 Min
NCIS: Origins
Touchstones--When the evidence room is broken into and significant cash goes missing, the team looks into a connection to a recent case. Also, Lala opens up to Gibbs, and Kowalski struggles to move forward. (AFN|prime Atlantic)