03.05 09:55
55 Min
When a future Olympic swimmer is found dead in the pool, Castle and Beckett travel into the world of sports, drugs, and drug dealers. (STAR HD)
03.05 10:35
55 Min
Richard Castle (Nathan Filion), un faimos scriitor de romane pline de mistere, este plictisit de propriul succes. Apoi află că un criminal real pune în practică scenele descrise în romanele sale. (AXN Romania)
03.05 10:50
55 Min
Against orders, Beckett travels to Los Angeles while investigating her ex-partner's murder; Castle questions Beckett's motives. (STAR HD)
03.05 11:30
60 Min
Richard Castle (Nathan Filion), un faimos scriitor de romane pline de mistere, este plictisit de propriul succes. Apoi află că un criminal real pune în practică scenele descrise în romanele sale. (AXN Romania)
03.05 11:45
55 Min
Castle and Beckett are called to investigate when a contestant in a beauty pageant is found strangled and every suspect has a motive to commit murder. (STAR HD)
03.05 11:45
45 Min
Castle Κ7 Ε16
DIS0017207847,5022306191,15 (FX Life )
03.05 11:45
55 Min
Castle 3, ep. 23. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama/Komedija (STAR Channel.)
03.05 11:45
45 Min
Hong Kong Hustle S07 E17. Een detective uit Hong Kong komt over om Becket en Castle te helpen bij een zaak. Tijdens de zoektocht stuit Castle op een aanwijzing die duidt op het feit dat niet alles is wat het lijkt. (Play5)
03.05 11:45
45 Min
Castle 7
Drama Series - Ep. 16 (FX Life HD)
03.05 13:20
41 Min
Castle Iv.
(AXN Romania)
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