15.02 16:05
60 Min
Secret Nazi Science
Adolf Hitler was famously against using chemical and biological weapons, but chemistry and biological science still played an incredible role in the Nazis' unquenchable quest for power. (Viasat History HD)
15.02 16:05
60 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost
Poznato je da se Adolf Hitler protivio upotrebi kemijskog i biološkog oružja, ali kemija i biologija su igrale... (Viasat History SD)
15.02 17:05
60 Min
Secret Nazi Science
What would it take to bomb the Allies into the ground? This was the question on the minds of top Nazi brass as they mobilised Germany's top scientists to create frightening new bombs. (Viasat History HD)
15.02 17:05
60 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost
Nakon sloma nacističkog carstva na kraju Drugog svjetskog rata, najmračnije tajne izašle su na vidjelo. (Viasat History SD)
15.02 18:05
55 Min
Secret Nazi Science
Science was a tool to help the war effort for the Nazis; how could a Nazi soldier and its leadership be optimised, and what secret Nazi plans can we glean from a hidden crypt in Thuringia? (Viasat History HD)
15.02 18:05
55 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost
Nacisti su koristili znanost kao vojni alat ili sredstvo za usavršavanje nacističkog vojnika i njegovih vještina... (Viasat History SD)
15.02 19:00
60 Min
Secret Nazi Science
The Nazis built a number of radar stations and systems harnessing the power of frequencies to help them plot their next move; were they also harnessing the power of the Sun itself? (Viasat History HD)
15.02 19:00
60 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost
Nakon sloma nacističkog carstva na kraju Drugog svjetskog rata, najmračnije tajne izašle su na vidjelo. (Viasat History SD)
15.02 20:00
60 Min
Secret Nazi Science
The Nazis went to great lengths to warp the natural world to their whims as they believed that ruins that could prove the Aryans to be the superior race lay buried in the soil. (Viasat History HD)
15.02 20:00
60 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost
Nacisti nisu birali sredstva u želji da prirodni svijet podčine svojim ciljevima, vjerujući da su pod zemljom... (Viasat History SD)
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