27.09 19:00
60 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Kolaps Trećeg Reicha ostavio je za sobom barem onoliko misterija koliko i ostataka skrivenih u objektima razasutim... (Viasat History HD)
27.09 19:00
60 Min
Nacističke tajne baze 3, ep. 2.
Secret Nazi Bases Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.09 19:00
60 Min
Secret Nazi Bases
North America seemed safe from the horrors of war for much of WWII, but a chilling discovery in the furthest reaches of eastern Canada hints at the true depths of the Nazis' seafaring capabilities. (Viasat History HD)
27.09 23:10
60 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Kolaps Trećeg Reicha ostavio je za sobom barem onoliko misterija koliko i ostataka skrivenih u objektima razasutim... (Viasat History SD)
27.09 23:10
60 Min
Secret Nazi Bases
North America seemed safe from the horrors of war for much of WWII, but a chilling discovery in the furthest reaches of eastern Canada hints at the true depths of the Nazis' seafaring capabilities. (Viasat History HD)
28.09 15:00
55 Min
Secret Nazi Bases
Kraftwerk Nord West was one of the largest Nazi bunkers ever; constructed outside of the French town of Watten, it was a missile facility with storage for 108 missiles and two launch pads. (Viasat History HD)
28.09 15:00
55 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Kolaps Trećeg Reicha ostavio je za sobom barem onoliko misterija koliko i ostataka skrivenih u objektima razasutim... (Viasat History HD)
28.09 15:00
55 Min
Nacističke tajne baze, ep. 4.
Secret Nazi Bases Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
28.09 15:00
55 Min
Tajne nacističke baze
Krafterk Nord Vest bio je jedan od najvećih nacističkih bunkera. Bio je sagrađen pored francuskog grada Vatena i u njemu je bilo uskladišteno 108 projektila. (Viasat History)
28.09 15:55
60 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Kolaps Trećeg Reicha ostavio je za sobom barem onoliko misterija koliko i ostataka skrivenih u objektima razasutim... (Viasat History HD)
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