20.09 10:45
65 Min
Najvažniji događaji Drugog svjetskog rata u boji
Priča o Drugom svjetskom ratu ispričana kroz deset najvažnijih trenutaka u sukobu i potpomognuta izvrsno obnovljenim... (Viasat History HD)
20.09 10:45
65 Min
Najvažniji događaji Drugog svjetskog rata u boji, ep. 1.
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.09 10:45
65 Min
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
Britain and France declare war when Hitler invades Poland; in May 1940, the Germans attack Holland and Belgium as a decoy. As the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe strike in force, the French seem trapped. (Viasat History HD)
20.09 16:55
60 Min
Najvažniji događaji Drugog svjetskog rata u boji, ep. 1.
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.09 16:55
60 Min
Najvažniji događaji Drugog svjetskog rata u boji
Priča o Drugom svjetskom ratu ispričana kroz deset najvažnijih trenutaka u sukobu i potpomognuta izvrsno obnovljenim... (Viasat History HD)
20.09 16:55
60 Min
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
Britain and France declare war when Hitler invades Poland; in May 1940, the Germans attack Holland and Belgium as a decoy. As the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe strike in force, the French seem trapped. (Viasat History HD)
20.09 22:15
60 Min
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
Britain and France declare war when Hitler invades Poland; in May 1940, the Germans attack Holland and Belgium as a decoy. As the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe strike in force, the French seem trapped. (Viasat History HD)
20.09 22:15
60 Min
Najvažniji događaji Drugog svjetskog rata u boji
Priča o Drugom svjetskom ratu ispričana kroz deset najvažnijih trenutaka u sukobu i potpomognuta izvrsno obnovljenim... (Viasat History HD)
20.09 22:15
60 Min
Najvažniji događaji Drugog svjetskog rata u boji, ep. 1.
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
21.09 09:55
65 Min
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
The Allies plan how to break through Hitler's Atlantic Wall for years. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, responsible for one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WW2. (Viasat History HD)
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