28.12 18:45
45 Min
Napuštene građevine 2, ep. 6. Američki grad u džungli
Abandoned Engineering Dokumentarni (History Channel.)
28.12 18:45
45 Min
Abandoned Engineering
An American symbol lost to the jungle. Concrete monoliths in a European forest. A vast cold war relic. A bizarre structure built to speed trade. Who built them? And why were they abandoned? (History HD)
28.12 23:15
40 Min
Abandoned Engineering
An American symbol lost to the jungle. Concrete monoliths in a European forest. A vast cold war relic. A bizarre structure built to speed trade. Who built them? And why were they abandoned? (History HD)
29.12 13:00
60 Min
Abandoned Engineering
The home of an African dictator and a sporting hero, and the facility that held apartheid's greatest critic are abandoned, but still have unique stories to tell. (Nat Geographic HD)
29.12 13:00
60 Min
Napuštene građevine
U ovoj epizodi obilazimo dom afričkog diktatora i sportske legende, kao mesto na kom se odigrala društvena revolucija, i zatvor najvećeg kritičara aparthejda. (National Geographic)
29.12 13:05
55 Min
Napuštene građevine
U ovoj epizodi obilazimo dom afričkog diktatora i sportske legende, kao mesto na kom se odigrala društvena revolucija, i zatvor najvećeg kritičara aparthejda. (National Geographic)
29.12 13:05
55 Min
Abandoned Engineering
The home of an African dictator and a sporting hero, and the facility that held apartheid's greatest critic are abandoned, but still have unique stories to tell. (Nat Geographic HD)
29.12 14:00
60 Min
Abandoned Engineering
Exploring a ghost town in Colorado, the remnants of an industrial enterprise in Puerto Rico and a remote village on Cyprus. (Nat Geographic HD)
29.12 14:00
60 Min
Napuštene građevine
Grad duhova u planinama Kolorada, nasukan objekat uz obalu Engleske, i ruševine idiličnog sela pogođenog ratom. U ovim ruševnim građevinama čuju se odjeci prošlosti, i svaka zgrada ima svoju priču. (National Geographic)
29.12 18:45
45 Min
Napuštene građevine 2, ep. 7. Izgubljeni njemački ratni brod
Abandoned Engineering Dokumentarni (History Channel.)
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