01.03 16:00
60 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Hitler's fight for the skies sees the Reich adopt a policy of 'Total War'. (Nat Geographic HD)
01.03 17:00
60 Min
Nazi Megastructures
May 1940, and the Nazi war machine reaches the English Channel. Hitler plans to destroy Britain's air power and land troops in southern England. (Nat Geographic HD)
01.03 18:00
60 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Guadalcanal is the glittering prize of the Pacific. Japan are determined to seize the island and build an airfield on it. (Nat Geographic HD)
05.03 00:30
60 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Japan's Death Railway S06 E02. Toen Japan in 1942 Birma bezette, was het leger aardig uitgedund. Bij de aanleg van de nieuwe bevoorradingsroute werden zo'n 200.000 slavenarbeiders ingezet waarvan de helft het niet overleefde. (NGC HD)