14.03 00:00
50 Min
Nazi Megastructures
A look at the deadly and resilient weapons and constructions built by the Nazis in their bid for world domination, beginning with the 1,670-mile Atlantic wall. (Nat Geographic HD)
14.03 00:50
45 Min
Nazi Megastructures
U-Boat Base: A look at the huge concrete submarine pens built by the Nazis to protect their U-Boats from allied bombs. Such was their size and strength, they still survive today. (Nat Geographic HD)
15.03 00:00
50 Min
Nazi Megastructures
A look at how Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun secretly developed the world's first long-range rockets and laid the technological foundations for the space race. (Nat Geographic HD)
15.03 00:50
45 Min
Nazi Megastructures
The story of how Nazi engineers responded to Hitler's megalomaniac vision by building some of the largest tanks and land battleships the world had ever seen. (Nat Geographic HD)
18.03 19:15
45 Min
Υπερκατασκευές των Ναζί Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019372551,2702805924,2 (National Geographic HD)
18.03 20:00
50 Min
Υπερκατασκευές των Ναζί Κ3 Ε1
DIS0019372553,2702805924,0 (National Geographic HD)
18.03 22:20
50 Min
Υπερκατασκευές των Ναζί Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019372550,2702805924,2 (National Geographic HD)
18.03 23:10
45 Min
Υπερκατασκευές των Ναζί Κ3 Ε1
DIS0019372552,2702805924,0 (National Geographic HD)
19.03 00:35
55 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Hitler's Desert War S06 E04. Samen met generaal Erwin Rommel vocht Hitler tegen de Geallieerden in Tunesië, Libië en Egypte. Deze strijd vergde veel van het Engelse leger en heeft grote invloed gehad op hoe WOII is verlopen. (NGC HD)
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