19.03 00:50
45 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Climb aboard the Bismarck and Tirpitz, battleships of record-breaking proportions and the ultimate status symbols of the Third Reich. (Nat Geographic HD)
20.03 00:00
50 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Unscrew the evil human machine that was Himmler's SS as this eye-opening documentary about the Nazis' thirst for world domination continues. (Series 2, Episode of 6) (Nat Geographic HD)
20.03 00:50
45 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Hitler's Vengeance Missile: Hitler ordered the development of the V1 in retaliation to Allied bombing raids. The first cruise missile, it changed the face of war forever. (Nat Geographic HD)
21.03 00:00
50 Min
Nazi Megastructures
As America closes in on Japan in 1944, the Japanese turn to desperate new tactics: killer planes and super torpedoes guided by human pilots. (Nat Geographic HD)
21.03 00:50
45 Min
Nazi Megastructures
One of the greatest fortifications in warfare history, the campaign to breach Hitler's Siegfried Line cost 140,000 American casualties. (Nat Geographic HD)
26.03 00:35
55 Min
Nazi Megastructures
Hitler's War In the Skies S06 E05. Serie waarin iconische constructies belicht worden die door de Nazi's werden gebouwd ten tijde van WOII. (NGC HD)