02.03 05:15
25 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
It's summer in Michigan, which means time to bale some hay! But a surprise rainstorm could ruin this year's haul. ()
02.03 05:40
20 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
It's the county fair season! The Pols plan to get at least two cows and six sheep at the auction, but they have a lot to do before that. ()
02.03 07:05
20 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
The bidding is live at the large animal auction! The Pol's are working towards their goal of bringing home sheep and cows to their farm. Any animals they win will be delivered to the farm in just... ()
03.03 05:15
20 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Porodica Pol započinje gradnju novog doma za stoku i odlazi na aukciju velikih životinja gde su cene skočile u nebesa. (National Geographic Wild)
03.03 05:35
25 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Nakon duge noći provedene na aukciji velikih životinja, porodica Pol mora da završi radove na kolibi za ovce, pre nego što ovce i krave stignu na farmu! (National Geographic Wild)
03.03 06:00
20 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Porodica Pol je spremna za sledeći projekat, koji uključuje rušenje ambara starog čak sto godina. (National Geographic Wild)
03.03 06:20
25 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Porodica Pol je došla do najvažnijeg koraka u rušenju ambara, a to je skidanje neprocenjivih greda. U međuvremenu, Bet pokušava da dresira Klovisa. (National Geographic Wild)
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