11.03 06:00
20 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
The Pols new livestock aren't potty trained; their sheep hut isn't draining properly and has been transformed into a Pee Palace. ()
11.03 06:00
20 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Odvod u kolibi za ovce ne radi kako treba i porodica mora da reši problem pre dolaska zime. (National Geographic Wild)
11.03 06:20
25 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
The Pol clan gets to work on creating Beth's dream garden. To beat the incoming rainstorm, Ben works around the clock. ()
11.03 06:20
25 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Porodica Pol gradi baštu iz snova i Ben radi bez prestanka kako bi je završio pre kiše. Bet priprema iznenađenje da oraspoloži Bena. (National Geographic Wild)
12.03 06:00
20 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
The family goes into hyperdrive to fix the pasture fence and finish building the garden hardscape before the first snow falls. ()
12.03 06:00
20 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Porodica Pol žuri da završi postavljanje kamena na imanju pre dolaska zime. Bet je zabrinuta za pčele i poziva u pomoć stručnjaka. (National Geographic Wild)
12.03 06:20
25 Min
The Incredible Pol Farm
The family is bringing in four Merino ewes, which means with any luck the farm could be expecting its first lambs come springtime. ()
12.03 06:20
25 Min
Neverovatna farma dr Pola
Porodica Pol dodaje četiri bremenite merino ovce svom stadu. U međuvremenu, Bet proverava da li su njene pčele preživele zimu. (National Geographic Wild)
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