19.10 20:00
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
I've Never Met Herbivore. Dr. Pol welcomes a new vet to the clinic. Meet Dr. Olivia! Dr. Brenda treats a cat with a burned limb and a K9 deputy is injured on the job. ()
19.10 20:00
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol pozdravlja novog veterinara u klinici. Upoznajte dr Oliviju! Dr Brenda leči mačku sa opečenim ekstremitetom, a pseći zamenik je povređen na poslu. (National Geographic Wild)
19.10 20:45
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr. Pol and the team are buzzing with cases ranging from a check-up with a speedy bearded dragon to an emergency with a horse's leg. ()
19.10 20:45
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol i ekipa su preopterećeni slučajevima, od pregleda bradate agame do hitnog slučaja konja s povređenom nogom. (National Geographic Wild)
19.10 21:30
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Veterinari u stanici dr Pola, se suočavaju s čivavom koja je slomila nogu, s kobilom koja se guši, sa skotnim psom koji će se ošteniti svakog momenta, i sa volom koji se muči da ostane na nogama. (National Geographic Wild)
19.10 21:30
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The vets of PVS take on a Chihuahua with a broken leg, a choking mare, a pregnant pooch that looks ready to burst, and a wobbly steer. ()
20.10 10:40
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The vets at PVS tackle a wide range of summer sores. Dr. Nicole helps a dog with lacerations and Dr. Pol assists a cat that was hit by a car. ()
20.10 10:40
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Veterinari u stanici dr Pola se suočavaju s nizom letnjih povreda. Dr Nikol leči psa s opasnim razderotinama, a dr Pol leči mačku koju je udario automobil. (National Geographic Wild)
20.10 11:05
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The vets at PVS tackle a wide range of summer sores. Dr. Nicole helps a dog with lacerations and Dr. Pol assists a cat that was hit by a car. ()
20.10 11:25
50 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Jurnjava počinje! Dr Pol i veterinari leče bolesno kuče, pregledaju umiljate činčile i pomažu naduvenom volu. (National Geographic Wild)
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