19.01 12:00
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
It's A Wonder-foal Life. The Pol's welcome a new foal to the family as the spring temperatures turn up the heat on animal emergencies. Dr. Brenda's knee snaps while saving the life of a mare. Dr. Pol... ()
19.01 12:45
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Tater Swift. Merlin the macaw lands at the clinic for a beak trim and ruffles a few feathers. Dr. Pol responds to an emergency call for an ailing alpaca, and Dr. Lisa pulls porcupine quills from a... ()
19.01 13:30
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr. Pol hustles from before sunrise to after sundown. The vets tackle a twisted calving, two wounded ducks, and a struggling baby goat. ()
19.01 21:05
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol dočekuje novo ždrebe koje će se pridružiti porodici, a dr Brenda se povredila pokušavajući da spase život. (National Geographic Wild)
19.01 21:05
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
It's A Wonder-foal Life. The Pol's welcome a new foal to the family as the spring temperatures turn up the heat on animal emergencies. Dr. Brenda's knee snaps while saving the life of a mare. Dr. Pol... ()
19.01 21:50
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Veterinari leče bolesnu alpaku i kravu čije je lice prepuno ježevih bodlji. Čarls traži rešenje za malog tatera. (National Geographic Wild)
19.01 21:50
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Tater Swift. Merlin the macaw lands at the clinic for a beak trim and ruffles a few feathers. Dr. Pol responds to an emergency call for an ailing alpaca, and Dr. Lisa pulls porcupine quills from a... ()
19.01 22:35
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr. Pol hustles from before sunrise to after sundown. The vets tackle a twisted calving, two wounded ducks, and a struggling baby goat. ()
19.01 22:35
40 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol pokušava da spase kravu i njeno tele tokom porođaja. U međuvremenu, dr Nikol leči dve patke povređene tokom napada i psa sa povredom uha. (National Geographic Wild)
20.01 16:30
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Počeo je Dan očeva. Pre nego što dr Pol krene na odmor u kliniku stiže pseći tornado. Mače je spaseno, dok svinji treba pomoć zbog povređenog papka. (National Geographic Wild)
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