08.02 11:55
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Circle of Pol. The vets see surprising patterns emerge in their cases. From symptoms, to breeds, to names, everything feels connected. ()
08.02 11:55
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Veterinari pronalaze neobične sličnosti u svojim slučajevima. Od simptoma do rasa i imena, sve deluje povezano. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 12:40
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
A major storm blows into Central Michigan, and as the snow piles up, so do the cases! While clients brave the weather to get care for their animals, Dr. Pol and Charles battle thundersnow when... ()
08.02 12:40
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Doktor Pol je hitno pozvan na farmu dok se velika snežna oluja spušta na centralni Mičigen. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 13:25
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
From a muskrat attack to a cat missing an eye, the clinic is full of surprises. ()
08.02 13:25
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Od napada bizamskog pacova do mačke bez oka, klinika je puna iznenađenja. Dr Nikol deli svoje uzbudljive vesti. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 21:05
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Circle of Pol. The vets see surprising patterns emerge in their cases. From symptoms, to breeds, to names, everything feels connected. ()
08.02 21:05
40 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Veterinari pronalaze neobične sličnosti u svojim slučajevima. Od simptoma do rasa i imena, sve deluje povezano. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 21:45
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
A major storm blows into Central Michigan, and as the snow piles up, so do the cases! While clients brave the weather to get care for their animals, Dr. Pol and Charles battle thundersnow when... ()
08.02 21:45
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Doktor Pol je hitno pozvan na farmu dok se velika snežna oluja spušta na centralni Mičigen. (National Geographic Wild)
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