14.02 16:30
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr. Pol has helped kids show animals at the county fair for more than 40 years. For some families, it's a tradition going back generations. ()
14.02 16:30
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Više od 40 godina, dr Pol pomaže deci da izlože životinje na okružnom vašaru. Za neke porodice, to je tradicija koja seže generacijama unazad. (National Geographic Wild)
14.02 17:15
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
It's Mother's Day, and the vets are called on to treat all sorts of new moms: Dr. Pol and Dr. Brenda both have to help with birthings. ()
14.02 17:15
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dan majki je kada veterinari leče životinje koje se bore da donesu mlade na svet i suočavaju se sa hitnim slučajevima nakon porođaja. (National Geographic Wild)
14.02 21:05
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr. Pol has helped kids show animals at the county fair for more than 40 years. For some families, it's a tradition going back generations. ()
14.02 21:50
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
It's Mother's Day, and the vets are called on to treat all sorts of new moms: Dr. Pol and Dr. Brenda both have to help with birthings. ()
15.02 12:00
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
A DOCumentary. A documentary-style look into the personal lives of our country vets. Dr. Pol and Dr. Lisa team up to treat two dogs in emergency labor. ()
15.02 12:45
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
I've Never Met Herbivore. Dr. Pol welcomes a new vet to the clinic. Meet Dr. Olivia! Dr. Brenda treats a cat with a burned limb and a K9 deputy is injured on the job. ()
15.02 13:25
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr. Brenda and Dr. Pol team up on a challenging farm call. The dire situation turns into an emergency for one of the teams. ()
15.02 21:05
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Pogled u stilu dokumentaraca na lični život naših seoskih veterinara. Dr Pol i dr Liza će se udružiti da pomognu u dva hitna pseća porođaja. (National Geographic Wild)
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