01.03 21:00
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Zbog dva hitna telenja krava, hirurških zašivanja rana i ljubimaca koji trpe mnogo bola, veterinari jedva čekaju da se vremenske prilike poprave. (National Geographic Wild)
01.03 21:00
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
There's no time to waste when the emergency calls come in. With one call right after the other, the team's day is just as wild as the weather. ()
01.03 21:05
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
There's no time to waste when the emergency calls come in. With one call right after the other, the team's day is just as wild as the weather. ()
01.03 21:45
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
It's A Wonder-foal Life. The Pol's welcome a new foal to the family as the spring temperatures turn up the heat on animal emergencies. Dr. Brenda's knee snaps while saving the life of a mare. Dr. Pol... ()
01.03 21:45
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol dočekuje novo ždrebe koje će se pridružiti porodici, a dr Brenda se povredila pokušavajući da spase život. (National Geographic Wild)
01.03 22:30
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Tater Swift. Merlin the macaw lands at the clinic for a beak trim and ruffles a few feathers. Dr. Pol responds to an emergency call for an ailing alpaca, and Dr. Lisa pulls porcupine quills from a... ()
02.03 11:55
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Pawfect Storm. It's Father's Day, and the team is busy as a puppy tornado touches down at the clinic. Dr. Pol treats a peahen with an injured leg as Dr. Lisa performs surgery to repair wounds from... ()
02.03 12:40
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Pitch Purrrrfect. Dr. Pol searches for clues to why a python has lumps under her skin. Dr. Nicole discovers the surprising cause of a cat's sky-high fever, and Dr. Lisa sutures a dog's puncture wound. ()
02.03 13:25
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
There's no time to waste when the emergency calls come in. With one call right after the other, the team's day is just as wild as the weather. ()
02.03 21:05
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Pawfect Storm. It's Father's Day, and the team is busy as a puppy tornado touches down at the clinic. Dr. Pol treats a peahen with an injured leg as Dr. Lisa performs surgery to repair wounds from... ()