14.03 16:30
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr Pol helps a German Shepherd that is in pain after eating cooked bones, and Dr Nicole staples a wound hidden under an Aussiedoodle's thick fur. ()
14.03 16:30
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Brenda leči kravu, dr Pol pomaže nemačkom ovčaru koji ima bolove, dr Lisa proverava steonost krave, a dr Nikol šije ranu na psu rase ozidudl. Kasnije veterinari uživaju u predstavi. (National Geographic Wild)
14.03 17:15
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Fair is in full swing! Getting to this day took months of hard work from vets and kids to get the Fair animals in tip top shape. ()
14.03 17:15
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol mesecima pomaže deci da pripreme svoje životinje za sajam i sada pregleda kozu koja ima povređeno uho, dok dr Lisa pregleda kravu koja šepa. U klinici, dr Nikol žuri da spase život jednom psu. (National Geographic Wild)
14.03 21:05
40 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Dr Pol helps a German Shepherd that is in pain after eating cooked bones, and Dr Nicole staples a wound hidden under an Aussiedoodle's thick fur. ()
14.03 21:05
40 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Brenda leči kravu, dr Pol pomaže nemačkom ovčaru koji ima bolove, dr Lisa proverava steonost krave, a dr Nikol šije ranu na psu rase ozidudl. Kasnije veterinari uživaju u predstavi. (National Geographic Wild)
14.03 21:45
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Fair is in full swing! Getting to this day took months of hard work from vets and kids to get the Fair animals in tip top shape. ()
14.03 21:45
45 Min
Neverovatni dr Pol
Dr Pol mesecima pomaže deci da pripreme svoje životinje za sajam i sada pregleda kozu koja ima povređeno uho, dok dr Lisa pregleda kravu koja šepa. U klinici, dr Nikol žuri da spase život jednom psu. (National Geographic Wild)
15.03 12:05
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
Armed with a bucket and tube, Dr Pol works tirelessly to help a horse struggling with choke. Dr Lisa tackles the many maladies of Mushi the cat. ()
15.03 12:50
45 Min
The Incredible Dr. Pol
As PVS decks the halls, a reindeer's hurt hoof threatens his Christmas Eve take-off. Dr Pol treats a puppy discovered on a cold silent night. ()