25.10 05:30
55 Min
Nightmare Next Door
(Giallo HD)
26.10 17:00
60 Min
Nightmare Next Door
(Ep 6:20/s4) Amerikkalainen dokumenttisarja vuodelta 2013. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
26.10 17:00
60 Min
Nightmare Next Door
When Kathryn is brutally murdered in her home, the residents of her neighbourhood are stricken with fear. Can a pair of shoeprints lead them to the perpetrator? (ID HD)
26.10 17:00
60 Min
Min nabo er morder
(Ep 6:20/s4) Kathryn bliver myrdet i sit hjem, og naboerne er lammet af rædsel. Kan skoaftryk føre politiet... (ID Investigation Discovery (N))
26.10 17:00
60 Min
Noćna mora iz komšiluka
Kada Ketrin biva brutalno ubijena u svojoj kući, stanovnici iz susedstva bivaju jako zaplašeni. Može li ih par otisaka stopala dovesti do počinioca? (ID)
26.10 18:00
60 Min
Nightmare Next Door
When beloved wife and mother Starr Harris is savagely murdered in the woods behind her home, the trees hide more than just the killer's identity. (ID HD)
26.10 18:00
60 Min
Min nabo er morder
(Ep 11:20/s4) En kvinde fra Tennessee bliver fundet myrdet i skoven bag sit hus. (ID Investigation Discovery (N))
26.10 18:00
60 Min
Nightmare Next Door
(Ep 11:20/s4) (9) Amerikansk dokumentär från 2013. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
26.10 18:00
60 Min
Noćna mora iz komšiluka
Kada je Star Heris pronađena mrtva u šumi iza svoje kuće, drveće je sakrilo više od pukog identiteta ubice. Ali, posvećeni policajci uskoro otkrivaju zadimljeni revolver. (ID)
27.10 00:50
45 Min
Nightmare Next Door
(Ep 6:20/s3) (15) (R) Amerikansk dokumentärserie från 2012. (Kanal 11 HD syntolkning)
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