29.03 12:40
15 Min
Ninja Truth: 3025-200
The ninja observed animal behaviour and applied them to their techniques - meeting with experts, we examine some inspired by cat movements and a weapon said to be made with a venomous creature. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
29.03 12:40
15 Min
Ninja Truth: 3025-200
The ninja observed animal behaviour and applied them to their techniques - meeting with experts, we examine some inspired by cat movements and a weapon said to be made with a venomous creature. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
29.03 17:40
15 Min
Ninja Truth: 3025-200
The ninja observed animal behaviour and applied them to their techniques - meeting with experts, we examine some inspired by cat movements and a weapon said to be made with a venomous creature. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
29.03 17:40
15 Min
Ninja Truth: 3025-200
The ninja observed animal behaviour and applied them to their techniques - meeting with experts, we examine some inspired by cat movements and a weapon said to be made with a venomous creature. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
30.03 00:40
15 Min
Ninja Truth: 3025-200
The ninja observed animal behaviour and applied them to their techniques - meeting with experts, we examine some inspired by cat movements and a weapon said to be made with a venomous creature. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
30.03 00:40
15 Min
Ninja Truth: 3025-200
The ninja observed animal behaviour and applied them to their techniques - meeting with experts, we examine some inspired by cat movements and a weapon said to be made with a venomous creature. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
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