08.01 11:00
65 Min
Deception WWII
Technology was used to deceive the enemy; radio and transmitters spread false information, and a ghost army tricked entire enemy forces by using sound effects. (Viasat History HD)
08.01 23:10
65 Min
Deception WWII
Technology was used to deceive the enemy; radio and transmitters spread false information, and a ghost army tricked entire enemy forces by using sound effects. (Viasat History HD)
09.01 08:25
60 Min
Deception WWII
WWII began with a deadly deception inside a Polish radio station; the early years of the war saw deception in its infancy, from code-breaking and spies to fake bombing sites and even inflatable tanks. (Viasat History HD)
09.01 08:25
60 Min
Obmana zvana Drugi svetski rat
Drugi svetski rat počeo je prevarom na poljskoj radio stanici. Rane godine rata obeležile su prevare, dešifrovanje kodova, lažno bombardovana mesta i tenkovi na naduvavanje. (Viasat History)
09.01 11:15
60 Min
Deception WWII
With the war swinging toward the Allies, both sides still used some masterful deceptions; the post-war era saw the US and Soviet Union in a deadly game of espionage in the race for atomic supremacy. (Viasat History HD)
09.01 11:15
60 Min
Obmana zvana Drugi svetski rat
Kako su Saveznici bili sve bliži pobedi, obe strane počele su da pribegavaju ozbiljnim prevarama. Po završetku rata, SAD i Sovjetski savez ulaze u svet špijunaže i borbe za atomsku nadmoć. (Viasat History)
09.01 14:10
60 Min
Deception WWII
WWII began with a deadly deception inside a Polish radio station; the early years of the war saw deception in its infancy, from code-breaking and spies to fake bombing sites and even inflatable tanks. (Viasat History HD)
09.01 14:10
60 Min
Obmana zvana Drugi svetski rat
Drugi svetski rat počeo je prevarom na poljskoj radio stanici. Rane godine rata obeležile su prevare, dešifrovanje kodova, lažno bombardovana mesta i tenkovi na naduvavanje. (Viasat History)
09.01 23:10
60 Min
Deception WWII
With the war swinging toward the Allies, both sides still used some masterful deceptions; the post-war era saw the US and Soviet Union in a deadly game of espionage in the race for atomic supremacy. (Viasat History HD)
09.01 23:10
60 Min
Obmana zvana Drugi svetski rat
Kako su Saveznici bili sve bliži pobedi, obe strane počele su da pribegavaju ozbiljnim prevarama. Po završetku rata, SAD i Sovjetski savez ulaze u svet špijunaže i borbe za atomsku nadmoć. (Viasat History)
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