09.01 14:00
60 Min
Lecsapolt óceán
Angol Dokumentum (2018.), 60perc (Nat Geo HD)
09.01 14:00
60 Min
Lecsapolt óceán
A film a minószi, a görög, a karthágói és a római birodalom története legfontosabb állomásait tárja elénk - látványos formában, a Földközi-tenger virtuális lecsapolásával. (National Geographic HD)
09.01 15:25
20 Min
Tº fshehtat e oqeanit - Ariu kodiak
Misteret e thellºsive (EXP natyra)
09.01 15:45
25 Min
Tº fshehtat e oqeanit - Alaska, e parº nga sytº e zogjve
Misteret e thellºsive (EXP natyra)
09.01 23:10
10 Min
Ocean: Dosięgnij gwiazd
(Baby TV)
09.01 23:10
10 Min
Four landscape episodes present a blend of nature and imagination. Join us on a peaceful stroll along a serene river bank, a flowering field or amid the Ocean's coral reefs. (Baby TV)
09.01 23:10
10 Min
Анимация, Великобритания, 2015, Four landscape episodes present a blend of nature and imagination. Join us on a peaceful stroll along a serene river bank, a flowering field or amid the Ocean's coral reefs. (Baby TV)
09.01 23:44
10 Min
Ocean: Zrelaksujmy się
(Baby TV)
09.01 23:44
10 Min
Four landscape episodes present a blend of nature and imagination. Join us on a peaceful stroll along a serene river bank, a flowering field or amid the Ocean's coral reefs. (Baby TV)
09.01 23:44
10 Min
Анимация, Великобритания, 2015, Four landscape episodes present a blend of nature and imagination. Join us on a peaceful stroll along a serene river bank, a flowering field or amid the Ocean's coral reefs. (Baby TV)
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