07.07 03:10
50 Min
Američka pravda, ep. 7. Slava, nogomet, smrt
Dokumentarni (Crime & Invest.)
07.07 04:00
60 Min
Američka pravda, ep. 8. Ljubav do smrti
Dokumentarni (Crime & Invest.)
07.07 08:10
5 Min
M2 matricák - Igaz vagy hamis?
Az Ópusztaszeri Nemzeti Emlékpark oskoláját bemutató film gyerekeknek. (M2 / Petofi)
07.07 21:00
45 Min
Cold Case Files
The Army lists 30-year-old Lisa Gaudenzi as AWOL when she fails to report for duty in Virginia, but her family suspects something more sinister occurred. (Crime & Invest.)
07.07 21:10
110 Min
Nalezená pravda
Vrátila se domů, aby se postarla o nemocného otce. Ale ten nechal dopis na rozloučenou a spáchal sebevraždu. Byl pode... (TV Barrandov HD)
07.07 21:10
110 Min
Nalezená pravda
Vrátila se domů, aby se postarla o nemocného otce. Ale ten nechal dopis na rozloučenou a spáchal sebevraždu. Byl podezřelý, že zavinil smrt své manželky. (TV Barrandov HD)
07.07 21:10
110 Min
Nalezená pravda
(TV Barrandov)
07.07 21:45
45 Min
Cold Case Files
Three women were attacked in their apartments. Based on the proximity of the attacks, the investigators believe all three cases are connected. But will they find a suspect? (Crime & Invest.)
07.07 22:30
45 Min
Cold Case Files
Advances in DNA technology help nail a killer more than ten years after he raped and murdered a six year old, and a grisly slaying is solved after seven years of work by a dedicated cop. (Crime & Invest.)
07.07 23:00
45 Min
Rugged Justice
Officers confront bear poachers as an inebriated suspect is taken to jail. Plus, a man with an outstanding warrant is caught having sexual relations with a woman. ()
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