20.12 21:55
5 Min
The Boy & the Octopus
An octopus, fascinated by the wonders of the world above the sea, attaches itself to a young boy's head and sets a heartwarming, Disney holiday journey of friendship and adventure into motion. (Nat Geographic HD)
21.12 07:07
112 Min
Indagine sulla morte del commissario Cattani S07 E05. Silvia verliest geloofwaardigheid in haar poging om aanklachten in te dienen tegen de Camastra-groep. (ONS)
21.12 09:15
5 Min
A fiú és a polip
Új ünnepi rövidfilm a Disneytől Taika Waititi rendezésében. Éld át az ünnepeket egy új szemszögből, egy történettel egy kisfiú és egy kíváncsi polip hihetetlen barátságáról. (Disney Channel)
21.12 14:20
40 Min
Secrets of the Octopus
Shapeshifters ()
21.12 14:20
40 Min
Μυστικά των Χταποδιών Κ1 Ε1
DIS0018857158,7235686,0 (National Geographic WILD HD)
21.12 14:23
39 Min
Secrets of the Octopus
Shapeshifters S01 E01. By changing their colour hundreds of times, or transforming their own bodies, octopuses are the most extraordinary shape-shifters on the planet. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
21.12 14:25
35 Min
Secrets of the Octopus
By changing their colour hundreds of times, or transforming their own bodies, octopuses are the most extraordinary shape-shifters on the planet. ()
21.12 15:00
45 Min
Secrets of the Octopus
Masterminds ()
21.12 15:00
45 Min
Μυστικά των Χταποδιών Κ1 Ε2
DIS0018857162,7235686,1 (National Geographic WILD HD)
21.12 15:00
45 Min
Secrets of the Octopus
Octopuses break all the rules on animal intelligence. Born into the world as orphans, they are self-taught masterminds. ()
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