09.02 07:15
65 Min
History Uncovered
We explore Austria's role as a testing ground for the Third Reich; Austria experimented with persecution and extermination policies that would go on to be generalised by the Germans. (Viasat History HD)
09.02 07:15
65 Min
Otkrivanje istorije
Bavićemo se ulogom Austrije u testiranju terena za Treći rajh. Austrija se poigravala sa politikom progona i istrebljenja - modelima koje će kasnije preuzeti Nemačka. (Viasat History)
09.02 08:20
70 Min
History Uncovered
The subprime crisis has gone down in history as an American disaster, but the shockwave hit Europe hard too, triggering the worst recession in its history and jeopardising its union. (Viasat History HD)
09.02 08:20
70 Min
Otkrivanje istorije
Kriza koja je Ameriku povela u propast, uzdrmala je i Evropu, izazvaši najgoru recesiju u istoriji i ugrozivši njeno jedinstvo. (Viasat History)