01.10 09:50
65 Min
Vatican Secret Files Exposed
Hitler once said that the Pope was his personal enemy; he could finally carry out his revenge on Pius XII after the Nazi occupation of Italy, so he decided to invade the Vatican and kidnap the Pope. (Viasat History HD)
01.10 18:00
60 Min
Vatican Secret Files Exposed
Hitler unleashed war and Pius XII organised meetings to thwart him, but the Allies did not trust the Pope's words; meanwhile, Hitler had started sending Jews to their deaths in concentration camps. (Viasat History HD)
01.10 21:00
70 Min
Vatican Secret Files Exposed
Hitler once said that the Pope was his personal enemy; he could finally carry out his revenge on Pius XII after the Nazi occupation of Italy, so he decided to invade the Vatican and kidnap the Pope. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 09:40
70 Min
Vatican Secret Files Exposed
With the war over, thousands of Nazis were fleeing Europe with the help of members of the Vatican, but there was another man who declared himself an enemy of the Pope: Joseph Stalin. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 18:00
65 Min
Vatican Secret Files Exposed
Hitler once said that the Pope was his personal enemy; he could finally carry out his revenge on Pius XII after the Nazi occupation of Italy, so he decided to invade the Vatican and kidnap the Pope. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 18:00
65 Min
Otvaranje vatikanskih tajnih.
Hitler je jednom izjavio da je papa njegov lični neprijatelj. Svoju osvetu Piju XII konačno je mogao da sprovede onda kada su nacisti okupirali Italiju. Odlučio je da napadne Vatikan i kidnapuje papu. (Viasat History)
02.10 21:05
65 Min
Vatican Secret Files Exposed
With the war over, thousands of Nazis were fleeing Europe with the help of members of the Vatican, but there was another man who declared himself an enemy of the Pope: Joseph Stalin. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 21:05
65 Min
Otvaranje vatikanskih tajnih.
Kada se rat završio, hiljade nacista bežalo je iz Evrope uz pomoć ljudi iz redova Vatikana, ali pojavio se još jedan čovek kome je papa postao neprijatelj, a to je bio Josif Staljin. (Viasat History)
03.10 18:00
65 Min
Otvaranje vatikanskih tajnih.
Kada se rat završio, hiljade nacista bežalo je iz Evrope uz pomoć ljudi iz redova Vatikana, ali pojavio se još jedan čovek kome je papa postao neprijatelj, a to je bio Josif Staljin. (Viasat History)
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