29.01 16:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death
In rural Missouri, the body of a young woman lies dead on a deserted dirt road only days before her wedding. Police uncover surprising secrets in her fiancé's life. (ID HD)
29.01 17:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death
In 2005, a woman is reported missing when she fails to show up at a Motley Crue concert. To this day, her friends and family wait for her killer to visit her secret grave. (ID HD)
30.01 08:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death
In rural Missouri, the body of a young woman lies dead on a deserted dirt road only days before her wedding. Police uncover surprising secrets in her fiancé's life. (ID HD)
30.01 08:00
60 Min
Ovde živi zlo: Senke smrti
U ruralnom Misuriju, telo mlade žene leži na pustom zemljanom putu samo nekoliko dana pre njenog venčanja. Policija otkriva iznenađujuće tajne u životu njenog verenika. (ID)
30.01 09:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death
In 2005, a woman is reported missing when she fails to show up at a Motley Crue concert. To this day, her friends and family wait for her killer to visit her secret grave. (ID HD)
30.01 09:00
60 Min
Ovde živi zlo: Senke smrti
Šta se dešava nakon zločina koji menja život? Ovo su priče o tome kako su nevini ljudi pogođeni ubistvom dugo nakon samog događaja. (ID)