06.01 20:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here
As a child, Benjamin Risha believes Tony Alamo when he preaches he is a prophet of God. But, when he discovers the shocking truth, he fears for his life. (ID HD)
06.01 20:00
60 Min
Ovde živi zlo
Kao dete, Bendžamin Riša veruje da je Toni Alamo, u momentima kada propoveda, Božji prorok. Međutim, kada otkrije šokantnu istinu, on počinje da strahuje za svoj život. (ID)
07.01 02:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here
As a child, Benjamin Risha believes Tony Alamo when he preaches he is a prophet of God. But, when he discovers the shocking truth, he fears for his life. (ID HD)
07.01 02:00
60 Min
Ovde živi zlo
Kao dete, Bendžamin Riša veruje da je Toni Alamo, u momentima kada propoveda, Božji prorok. Međutim, kada otkrije šokantnu istinu, on počinje da strahuje za svoj život. (ID)
07.01 20:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here
Vernon Jensen is so afraid of his wife's temper that he decides to divorce her. After he leaves, he discovers how far she'll go to get revenge. (ID HD)
08.01 02:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here
Vernon Jensen is so afraid of his wife's temper that he decides to divorce her. After he leaves, he discovers how far she'll go to get revenge. (ID HD)
08.01 14:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here
Shelly Liedz is terrified for her son the moment he turned four years old, the older her son gets the more her fear grows where eventually she becomes a prisoner in her own home. (ID HD)
08.01 15:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here
When Melissa Holland married her high school sweetheart she thought it will be happily ever after. But soon he put her into mortal danger. (ID HD)
08.01 16:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death
In 2003, a young man in Georgia shoots his father in the head sixteen times. Days later, the dismembered body of a nun turns up on the side of a Virginia road. (ID HD)
08.01 17:00
60 Min
Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death
In 1996, Tulsa, Oklahoma, a mother is found dead on the side of a rural stretch of highway in an apparent hit-and-run accident. What will the police uncover? (ID HD)