08.11 17:20
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Crabtree and Effie find that they didn't get the hotel room they'd been promised on their honeymoon; hoping to convince the guest in the other room to swap, they discover him on the bed - and dead. (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 17:20
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 16
Honeymoon in Hampshire (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 18:05
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
The morning after Ogden attends a track and field event announcing plans to take a women's team to the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, the coach finds one of the male athletes dead on the field. (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 18:05
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 16
Dash to Death (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 18:45
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 16
DOA (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 18:45
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
The sudden death of a key witness in a case leaves Murdoch physically unsettled. (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 20:00
60 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Master Lovecraft S10 E16. The discovery of a young girl's body and some grotesque sketches leads Murdoch to suspect a group of teenagers obsessed with death and the macabre, which includes a young H.P. Lovecraft. (BBC First )
08.11 23:40
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Crabtree and Effie find that they didn't get the hotel room they'd been promised on their honeymoon; hoping to convince the guest in the other room to swap, they discover him on the bed - and dead. (Epic Drama HD)
08.11 23:40
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 16
Honeymoon in Hampshire (Epic Drama HD)
09.11 00:25
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 16
Dash to Death (Epic Drama HD)
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