30.01 21:00
60 Min
On the Case with Paula Zahn
(Ep 24/s12) True Crime, USA, 2021. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
30.01 21:00
60 Min
Cazuri socante cu Paula Zahn
O fata descopera adevarata identitate a mamei ei dupa ce aceasta e ucisa. Oare investigatia o va aduce mai aproape de femeia pe care nu a cunoscut-o? - Sursa: media-press.tv (Investigation Discovery)
30.01 21:00
60 Min
Cazuri socante cu Paula Zahn
O fata descopera adevarata identitate a mamei ei dupa ce aceasta e ucisa. Oare investigatia o va aduce mai aproape de femeia pe care nu a cunoscut-o? - Sursa: media-press.tv ()
30.01 21:00
60 Min
On the Case with Paula Zahn
A girl discovers her mother's true identity after she's murdered. Will the investigation bring her closer to the woman she never knew? (ID HD)
30.01 22:46
59 Min
Nº ndjekje tº Ŀºshtjes me Pola Zan 8
Dokumentar (EXP shkence)
31.01 13:00
181 Min
Paula Keizer
Pak je kopje koffie of thee en schuif gezellig aan bij Paula Keizer! Samen met de lekkerste muziek blijf jij op de hoogte van wat er in Overijssel speelt en daarbuiten. Kijk live met haar mee in de radiostudio. (Oost)
31.01 22:30
55 Min
Nº ndjekje tº Ŀºshtjes me Pola Zan 9
Dokumentar (EXP shkence)
01.02 10:00
60 Min
On the Case with Paula Zahn
After a loving mother is murdered inside her own home, police focus on their two best clues - a blood-stained hammer and a dusty footprint. (ID HD)
01.02 10:00
60 Min
Paula Zahn: szokująca prawda 24 (odc. 7)
Pewna kobieta zostaje zamordowana we własnym domu. Podczas śledztwa policja skupia się na dwóch dowodach - pokrwawionym młotku i zakurzonym śladzie. (ID Poland HD)
01.02 10:00
60 Min
On the Case with Paula Zahn
(Ep 7/s12) True Crime, USA, 2021. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
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