27.12 11:30
60 Min
Zlica: Početak, film
Defying Gravity: The Curtain Rises On Wicked (2024) (E!)
27.12 11:30
60 Min
Defying Gravity: The Curtain Rises on Wicked
...Curtain Rises on Wicked. New & Exclusive. Take a look at the new two-part film adaptation of Wicked, as the cast and crew reveal the magic fuelling the musical's leap into cinemas. ()
27.12 11:30
60 Min
Defying Gravity: The Curtain Rises on Wicked
...Curtain Rises on Wicked. New & Exclusive. Take a look at the new two-part film adaptation of Wicked, as the cast and crew reveal the magic fuelling the musical's leap into cinemas. (E!)
27.12 18:00
60 Min
Defying Gravity: The Curtain Rises on Wicked
...Curtain Rises on Wicked. New & Exclusive. Take a look at the new two-part film adaptation of Wicked, as the cast and crew reveal the magic fuelling the musical's leap into cinemas. ()
27.12 18:00
60 Min
Defying Gravity: The Curtain Rises on Wicked
...Curtain Rises on Wicked. New & Exclusive. Take a look at the new two-part film adaptation of Wicked, as the cast and crew reveal the magic fuelling the musical's leap into cinemas. (E!)
27.12 18:00
60 Min
Zlica: Početak
Ovaj dokumentarac vodi vas iza kulisa mjuzikla "Zlica" koji je oduševio Broadway, a sada dolazi i na velike ekrane. (E!)
27.12 22:00
100 Min
Egzorcist: Početak
Katolički svećenik Merrin (Stellan Skarsgard) pridružuje se arheološkom timu na udaljenoj lokaciji u Keniji. (AMC Balkan)
28.12 13:00
145 Min
Psihološka SF akcija o lopovu koji ima sposobnost da ulazi u snove drugih. Dom Kob (Leonardo Dikaprio) ne krade predmete, on krade ideje. U svetu korporatine špijunaže on je ultimativno oružje. (HBO HD)
28.12 13:00
145 Min
A thief steals corporate secrets through the use of dream-sharing technology. (HBO HD)
28.12 13:00
145 Min
Priznati redatelj Christopher Nolan režira međunarodnu glumačku postavu u filmu POČETAK, jedinstvenoj... (HBO HD)
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